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Facing the difficult boss and colleagues at work, children and housework after work, another exhausting day. Dragging tiredness in bed, recalling the time when we were young, staying up late doing stuff was too much enjoyable to sleep… We’ve never known sleep is such a precious thing until we get older.

A person needs to sleep for roughly 25 years in total in a lifetime. Sleep can heal our tired body and mind. We choose the best mattress and comfort pillows. Switch on AC in summer and heater in winter. However, sometimes we still feel deeply sleepy when we wake up. It troubles many people and affects the working preference. Next time try to change the bedroom colour, it may surprisely improve your sleep quality.

The interaction between light, colour, sleep and wakefulness is extremely important to our behaviors and life quality.

Sleep expert Chris Idzikowski said: ” Our eyes have receptors called retinal ganglion cells, which are the most sensitive to blue. These receptors feed information (colours, images) deep into our brain where controls the circadian rhythm. It affects our performance and feeling during the day. In brief, the interaction between light, colour, sleep and wakefulness is extremely important to our behaviors and life quality.

A study points out, people can get the best sleep quality in the blue bedroom. The average sleeping time is 7 hours and 52 minutes and 58% of English feel happy after they wake up in the blue bedroom. Probably just like how we feel calm when looking at the sea or sky. Blue can remove distractions and make us sleep peacefully.

The second best colour option for bedrooms is yellow. Yellow keeps us happy and relaxes our bodies.The average sleeping time is 7 hours and 40 minutes. Green creates a calm and soothing atmosphere. The average sleeping time is 7 hours and 30 minutes and 22% participants in the survey feel optimistic and positive after they wake up in the green bedroom.

Silver is like the moonlight at night, it tells our brain this is the sleeping time. The average sleeping time is 7 hours and 33 minutes and 21% participants are more proactive to work out in the silver bedroom.

As for the grey bedroom, the average sleeping time is reduced to 6 hours and 12 minutes. Grey is lustreless and makes people frustrated. Sleeping in the grey bedroom feels lonely and uncomfortable. Purple is elegant and artistic, helps us stimulate our mind and be more focused. But it’s hard for people to relax and sleep. The average sleeping time is only 5 hours and 56minutes every night in the purple bedroom.

Suitable bedroom colours and light can improve our sleep quality, apart from painting the wall, choosing our Bonito Deco  honeycomb blind which is high saturation and light controllable, definitely one of the smart options for you!


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